Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A First Start

Well, I decided to join the blogging world. Its a bit intimidating because I have seen so many fabulous blogs from my friends and family.
Maybe I will start with a bit about me. I am a mom of four precious children and expecting my fifth. My life is very full so I should have plenty to write about.
I went to my 12 week prenatal appointment today and heard that rapid precious heartbeat. It amazes me every time.
The kids just got home from school. They are doing homework, eating popcorn and playing with balloons. A typical weekday afternoon for us.

I don't have any good family pictures so I'll share a picture of Elizabeth, Noah and Grant's first day of school.


Leah said...

What sweethearts. I love that little girl of yours. I'm so glad you are blogging. I knew you were prego when you came to my house for the "party"...not that you looked it, but I just knew. That is wonderful news!!! We gotta get together soon.

Caroline said...

I can't believe how big your kids are! Doesn't Noah get baptized in a couple of weeks? Time has just sped by. I'm so glad to be able to see more of your cute family :)